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These words warms our heart

I have been buying Lena Rewells Mohair Blankets since about 1995.

The first blankets I saw was in a shop in Malmö, Sweden and this shop had about 10 different patterns from those blankets. Fantastic colors.

If my wife had not stopped me, I would have bought all of them. I think I have bought about 15 pieces during the years. 

Some I give away as presents because it is a perfect gift.

Googled Lena Rewell online and found the perfect plaid which I ordered right away! Since then there has been another one and they are so amazing!

Extremely light but still warm!

I bought my first blanket. I fell in love with this marvelous colors of the blankets and I appreciate the warmth of them. When I feel cold I cover with the blanket and it takes only a few minutes to get warm again.

Visitors are always very excited about this blankets, they are really an eye catcher.

I bought already three of them in the colors Lion, Coral and Kallio and maybe one day I hope to buy Aza. I am already addicted to them.

Always a pleasure working with you--Happy Holidays!

I purchased a couple of the most wonderful handcrafted blankets from Lena Rewell Textilestudio and had them shipped to New York. The order process was very smooth and quick, and they even included a special brush so that I can keep the mohair blankets fluffy and pretty. (I really haven’t used the brush yet, as the blankets holds up very nice despite being used for +2 years now).

I think the quality vs price is very good, and I would love to get more of them.

My daughter in New York City purchased the scarf and really liked it so her sister bought one and then I bought one for my sister.

We really like the quality and uniqueness of the product.

Of all of the pleasures that every day brings. Of all of the songs that accident sings. Of all of the reverie’s memory wrings. Nothing settles more lightly or comfortably clings, than the unhurried beauty of natural things.

What we stand for...

We at Lena Rewell believe in quality and sustainability.  Our products are made to follow you through your life and to give your mind, body and home a tought of happiness, warmth and joy.

A Thing of quality is a Joy Forever

Our Story begins with Lena Rewell in the early '60s

"Being the artist I'm today and designing my own artwork was something I would continuously dream about. Therefore I'd proudly love to share my dream with you."

- Lena Rewell in the 60´s

Read more about the designer and founder